Financial Services For Entrepreneurial Businesses
We help you Capture and Grow Your Wealth Faster. Learn MoreDiscover The Unrealized Potential Within Your Retirement PLan
Unlock Your Economic PowerDon’t Settle For Less. Let us Help You Keep More.
What If We Could Show You How To Keep More & Grow Your Wealth Faster?
Looking for a solution to any of the following? Let us help you.
- Shelter business income and build wealth
- A plan to pay fewer taxes
- Meaningful retirement benefits for Employees
- Need a retirement plan to attract talent
- Retain key employees or partners
- Fix a plan that isn’t delivering for you
- Current provider is underperforming
- Fear your plan is not compliant
- Overwhelmed by IRS/DOL regulations
Our Capabilities
Our Complete Range Of services Allows Us To Create The Perfect Solution For Each Client
Plan Setup
Plan Design
Plan Administration
Compliance Services
Fiduciary Administration

Economic Opportunity Assessment
With this short secure online assessment, we will capture your company demographics, details, and your desired outcomes so we can quickly uncover opportunities for you to shelter money and keep more so you can accelerate your wealth and speed to retirement. This will allow us to demonstrate a clear path to an increased economic benefit for owners and key employees.

Plan Design
Using the results of your Economic Opportunity Assessment we will architect the perfect plan that drives the ideal outcome and delivers the maximum benefit to you the owner and your key employees while leveraging the most cost-effective solutions. Not only will your plan be set up to work for you and meet your objectives, but it will be 100% compliant with all IRS and DOL guidelines.

Plan Setup
Now it’s time to put your plan in place so we can put it to work to help you take your retirement plan further faster. During the setup, we strive to make it as stress-free and hands-off as possible. At this stage, we become the conductor of the orchestra by organizing and implementing all of the puzzle pieces; like completing up your legal plan documents and coordinating the funding mechanisms with your payroll provider.
What We Can Do For You
Plan Design & Setup
We work with you to ensure your plan is designed to meet your company’s needs and implementation goes smoothly
PLan comPliance
We assess the performance of your plan to continue to make sure it meets your needs
Consulting Services
We can help identify opportunities within your retirement plan as your business grows
Fudiciary Services
We will reduce much of the daily management and work associated with your plan
From Our Founder
Why We Started Our Firm
Prior to forming RSA, I was the Managing Director of the Pension Group of American Express Tax and Business Services. I saw an opportunity to bring my skills and experience to the underserved market of entrepreneurial organizations and small businesses. I wanted to deliver value and service that was missing from the equation when smaller firms work with the big guys. I wanted to be the service provider where our clients could always pick up the phone and speak to someone on their account team. Where we cut down the confusion and administrative burden and deliver the complete value our clients sought out when starting their retirement plan. RSA is that firm. Where value and service eclipses scale.
– Steve Johnson, Founder
Charge Forward with confidence
Financial Roadmaps Built Exactly To Your Needs
While we work with many different types of businesses and professional organizations, we find the following types of businesses are who we deliver the largest rewards and benefits to as a result of our plan designs.
- Medical Practices
- Professional Service Firms
- Law Firms
- Financial Service Firms
- Private Equity and Venture Capital Groups
- Nonprofit Organizations
- Technology Firms
- Nursing and Homecare Services
- Banking
Unlock Your Economic Power
Discover The Unrealized Potential Within Your Retirement Plan Strategy That Could Allow You To Keep More And Accelerate Your Wealth.
Get In Touch

420 West Grand Avenue, Suite 1B
Chicago, IL 60654
Chicago, IL 60654
Phone: (312) 527-2050
Fax: (877) 868-9015
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